Fanart for Relative Truth

Art by
Icka M. Chif:

Conan the Kid? Oh my... (File 23)

Art by

Title Art
Relative Truth! A main theme pic all on computer!
File 1: First Contact...And What Happened After. A beautiful title art for File 1!
File 2: A Change In the Game. Title art for File 2!
File 3: Method to the Madness. And for File 3!

art for File 7: Countdown to Confrontation
"Here, Kudo--your temporary cure."

art for File 8: Cards on the Table
Shinichi doesn't hold back.
After the punch.
Calling a truce.
A chibi Spaz Attack! (kawaii! ^_^)
"I am not in love with Aoko!!" (more kawaii!)
"Catch me if you can!"
The girls arrive...
...and realize...oops. ("Aoko?" "Kaitou?" "Shinichi...?" "Ran!")

art for File 10: Hide and Seek
Sulking on the porch.
Almost a kiss...
"Shinichi, why...?"

art for File 11: Truth or Dare
The truth at last.

art for File 14: Rules of Engagement
Kaito and ice cream. (mmm, both yummy...^_^)
Beneath the maple trees.
A fanmanga of the chapter finale!

art for File 16: House of Cards
Run, Kaito, run!

A kawaii Kaito pic! (Not RT, but sooo cute!)

Art by

Running alone through the rain. The stormy night after the Kyozou heist. (File 5)
Peeking! A beautiful colorization of a story art from below. (File 4)
In the window. Shinichi and Kaito side by side! (File 8)
"Yeah...I am." Kaito speaks to Ran. (File 18)

Art by Sapphire:
"We've created a monster..." (File 9)
"Now who's braver, huh?" (File 9)

Story Art for
Relative Truth
done by me! not true fanart, sadly...

Crossing the Line. Title art for File 4.
Sneaking in. Shinichi's first foray into Kyozou's. (File 4)
Scrambling out! Scared rabbit--he's fleeing the scene! (File 4)
All a lie... The truth is revealed in Files 5 and 6.

Shame On Me--a random songpic made just for Kaitou Kid! Taken from Billy Gillman's "Shamey Shamey Shame." Worth a laugh?

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